The Making of “Clearwater Dentistry” How It All Began!
Providing outstanding, patient-centered clinical care and service to patients in Greeley and surrounding communities.
Welcome to Clearwater Dentistry! We are a privately and veteran-owned dental practice that opened our doors in February 2020. The name “Clearwater Dentistry“ was inspired by my wife, Eva, and my travels in Europe, while I was stationed in Germany with the U.S. Army. One of our favorite and most accessible destinations for a weekend getaway was in Garmish-Partenkirchen, Germany. It was there that we found our peace and connection with nature in the mountain gorges. There, in the spring as the glaciers melted, the flowing water was a turquoise, green and blue. We hoped to bring that same sense of serenity and peacefulness to my passion, dentistry.

As we began the journey of starting a practice there were a daunting amount of decisions to make. With a concept in mind, a skilled architect, wonderful general contractor, and excellent dental equipment supplier, we were able to build the practice of my dreams. We chose each element in the office, from the aesthetics to each instrument and piece of equipment in the office, to bring the ambiance and the most advanced dental technology to provide the comfort and convenience that we aim to deliver. Our practice is fully-digital, from dental x-rays to our intra-oral cameras, to our PrimeScan Scanner to our 3D Printer. Being digital is not only improves the comfort of your visit but can overall reduce the amount of time you spend in the dental chair.
Not only was it a lot of work, planning and designing our practice, but we had a lot of fun in the making. It gave us the opportunity to explore our creative and artistic sides. Eva and I spent several hours with a lot of paint and canvas to create each piece of custom artwork that you see throughout the practice. Not only that but my sister, Sarah, and brother-in-law, Nick, were able to travel from Ohio just before opening day to help with the finishing touches.

February 24th, 2020 was our official opening day and we could not have been happier. Although we only had a few patients, we were ecstatic to have the dream realized. We opened to the community with Jessica, a master’s student as a patient care coordinator, my wife Eva as my dental assistant, and myself. However, within 3 weeks we were mandatorily shut down for more than a month due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This turned our world upside down as we were trying to navigate this extraordinary time after just opening the practice. However, the one thing that we knew from the beginning was how we want to treat patients and the relationships that we want to build with our community. We learned so much about ourselves and as a practice in that first year. We connected with patients on such a personal level as many of them had not seen friends or families for extended amounts of time due to the circumstances. This meant so much to us, since our families were far away during such a challenging time, because our practice and patients were all we had. We are so thankful for everyone that has supported our small business. We truly would not be here today without the support, trust, and confidence from our patients as their dental provider.
The Making of “Clearwater Dentistry”
In a 60 Second Clip
Our goal is to provide quality care and patient education in a comfortable setting for the whole family.
We are proud to be a part of the Greeley community and look forward to meeting you. We are located at 3110 67th Avenue Place Greeley, CO. If you’re in the area, stop in and say hello!
Thank you for taking the time to learn about Clearwater Dentistry, and we hope to see you soon!
Dr. Alan Baughman & Team at Clearwater Dentistry